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Corporate advisory

Archivo con datos sobre asesoramiento corporativo en Europa, incluyendo servicios ofrecidos, sectores atendidos y empresas asesoradas.

We provide business strategy advice and tax advice for corporate transactions.

We have the necessary experience and prepare your company for a corporate operation, guiding you every step of the way. We offer comprehensive advice on business strategy, corporate finance, market and taxation.

Advice on business strategy

Financial strategy

  • Analysis of economic and financial information.
  • Structuring of the economic and financial information, in order to prepare the correct transaction.
  • Corporate governance.

Market strategy

  • Search for potential target companies.
  • Benchmarking of the sector/subsector.
  • Follow-up of the business plan.

Tax advice

  • Tax advice on M&A transactions.
  • Definition of the type of operation, with the aim of minimising the fiscal cost.
  • Tax planning of the companies or individuals involved in the transaction.