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Sale of companies

Archivo con información sobre la venta de empresas en Europa, incluyendo datos financieros, sectores y países involucrados.

We guide you through every stage of the business sale process, ensuring a successful transaction.

Our specialised services include preparing a company for a corporate transaction, advising on negotiations when a buyer is already in place, and preparing valuation reports.

- Selling process -

1Contact phase

1.1 Initial approach
1.2 Signature of the

confidenciality (NDA)
1.3 Initial visit and analysis

2Documentation phase

2.1 Company valuation and
Selling Mandate signature
2.2 Elaboration of the
company´s Information Memorandum

3Comercial phase

3.1 Candidate seek
3.2  Negotiation and selection
of candidates


4Negotiation phase

4.1 Signing of a Letter of
Intent (LOI)
4.2 Support during the Due Diligence
4.3 Transaction signature